Tiger Nuts Crepes

Tiger Nuts Crepes

How good to these Soaked Tiger Nuts Crepes look? And they taste even better!

They were made by our friend Erin at http://www.thebutterypalace.com/

Here's how you make them:

Soaked Tigernut Crepes (Grain Free/ Dairy Free Options)
These grain-free tigernut crepes are slightly sweet and delicious. They’re easy to digest since the flour is soaked. They can be made with or without dairy!
    Servings Prep Time
    8crepes 5min
    Cook Time Passive Time
    20min 24hours
    Crepes with dairy
    Dairy-free crepes
    Soaking Instructions
    1. Combine tigernut flour, water chestnut flour, filtered water. *Add raw milk kefir, or apple cider vinegar if making dairy-free, to the flour and water.
    2. Thoroughly mix together with either a blender or immersion blender. Cover and let sit at room temperature for 8 to 24 hours.
    Cooking Instructions
    1. *Add melted butter or *Add tigernut oil for dairy free
    2. Add honey
    3. Add eggs
    4. Blend together thoroughly with an immersion blender. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before cooking.
    5. Heat skillet over medium-high heat.
    6. Grease the skillet lightly with butter or tigernut oil. Wipe up any excess oil with a paper towel.
    7. Take 1/4 cup of batter and pour it SLOWLY into the center of the hot skillet. The batter is very thin and does not need to be swirled around the pan like a traditional crepe batter.
    8. After about 2 minutes, the top of the crepe should be set and the crepe can be quickly flipped to cook the other side, for 1 more minute.
    9. Fill with whatever filling you desire and enjoy!
    Recipe Notes

    I use Tiger Nuts flour, which you can buy here.

    You can buy water chestnut flour here. I’ve only ever been able to find it online. If you live close to a good Asian market, you should be able to find it there. Unfortunately, I do not.

    Erin, great job, and we are sure our Tiger Nuts customers are going to love them.

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