Hello there, we are Tiger Nuts Inc and are thrilled to be a part of the UNFI program.
Because Tiger Nuts are probably still the "best kept secret in the health food business", we thought that we could give you one place where you could get all of the information and all of the answers to questions that retailers and consumers alike may ask about these amazing Tubers.
Hi there, we are Jim and Jack the founders of Tiger Nuts Inc and we wanted to make sure that you know we are 100% behind you at UNFI and here are our Direct phone numbers that you can call anytime:
Jack (I'm on the right) 914 509 5170 - Talk to me if it's sales related
Jim (in the blue shirt) 941 800 7118 - Talk to Jim if it's about logistics
The chances are that you may have heard of Tiger Nuts before, and an even better chance that your retail customers have not heard of Tiger Nuts at all. So here's a little background abut these amazing tubers that have been around for over 4000 years and we believe are the "Healthiest 'single source' snack food on the market".
Jim and I decided to import Tiger Nuts into the USA from Spain, when no one else had ever heard of them. The only thing we knew at the time was, remembering was having them as kids in Europe, and remembering how great they tasted. What we had no idea about, was how incredibly healthy they were.
We subsequently found our that Tiger Nuts are actually not nuts at all, as we said, they are tubers that were the primary food of our Caveman ancestors. Plus they are naturally Gluten Free, Organic, incredibly high in Pre-Biotic Fiber, Nut Free, Non Allergenic, Non GMO, Dairy Free, Paleo Perfect, and Kosher too!
Today we bring in tons of our Supreme Peeled and Premium Organic Tiger Nuts every month as well as our Premium Organic Flour and Oil too and pack them in our certified Organic facilities in the Hudson Valley of New York.
So what do they taste like?
Different people will give you different answers, but we feel they are a cross between coconut and an almond
So why Tiger Nuts?
Lot's of reasons and here's a chart that we created that you can use to show retailers the differences between Tiger Nuts and other nuts that are considered healthy:
So what do we say to retailers who have never heard of Tiger Nuts, and why they should stock them on their shelves?
Our positioning is that we at Tiger Nuts are trying to inspire people to live and eat a healthy lifestyle, and if Tiger Nuts can be a part of it, then we are truly grateful.
1. Why are they called Tiger Nuts when they are not nuts?
Well in a nutshell so to speak, we have NO IDEA, it just evolved that way.
2. Why should we put them on our shelves?
Because Tiger Nuts have been a health food for over 4000 years in the rest of the world, and now America is at last finding out about them. These tasty tubers are not right for everyone, but a certain segment of your customers who are "Serious about their health", will not only consider Tiger Nuts as part of their diet, but will purchase them on a regular basis.
3. Will you give me a Free Fill?
No. These are the finest Tiger Nuts on the market and as they are grown in Europe and Africa, the cured for three months by the Spanish Growers, after being washed, cleaned and getting all debris removed, then passing through quality control before being shipped to Tiger Nuts Inc certified organic facilities in New York. Then packaged into the bags you see, and because of all of the work done to bring these amazing tubers to market, there is simply not enough margin to be able to give free fill.