8 Diet And Nutrition Tips to Boost Health And Fitness During COVID-19

8 Diet and Nutrition Tips!

Staying healthy and fit is important for our physical, mental and emotional well-being, especially during the current COVID-19 virus challenge. Routine changes and our reactions to stress and uncertainty could cause us to eat poorly and skip daily exercise, though. For these reasons, we’ve compiled a list of diet and nutrition tips that can boost health and fitness during these challenging times.

1. Prioritize breakfast.

Our daily routines may be disrupted right now, but we should still prioritize breakfast. This meal replenishes our blood sugar and can reduce health risks such as heart disease and obesity. A healthy breakfast packed with fiber and protein also reduces lethargy and powers our muscles during workouts.

2. Consume complex carbs.

To fight boredom or manage stress, we may grab processed foods and sweet snacks that are loaded with simple carbohydrates. However, our bodies need complex carbs, even if we’re on a #glutenfree diet. Nutrient-rich whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans are complex carbs that increase fullness, reduce overeating, stabilize blood sugar levels, and fuel our bodies for the day.

3. Add protein.

Protein maintains and repairs our bodies. Protein builds muscles when we work out, too. Lean meats, fish, dairy, legumes, and eggs are excellent protein sources. We can multiply our body weight by 0.36 to estimate the amount of protein to eat each day.

4. Increase fruits and veggies.

Half of the food on our plates should be low-calorie and low-fat fruits and vegetables. A rainbow of organic food options provides us with fiber, vitamins and minerals that boost body and brain function. During isolation, we can eat more salads, snack on cut veggies and dried fruits, and try new fruit and veggie recipes.

5. Focus on healthy fats.

Saturated fats found in sweets and processed foods cause us to feel physically and mentally sluggish. Unsaturated or healthy fats can reduce inflammation and ease movement. Healthy fats include olives, avocados, #Tigernuts, and seeds that compliment any meal or snack.

6. Count calories and measure portions.

The amount of food we need depends on our activity level, health goals and other factors, which can fluctuate daily during the current virus lock-down. We can track our food intake and exercise with a fitness app, use small plates when we eat and turn off electronics during meals to control our caloric intake and portions.

7. Stay hydrated.

While we’re stuck inside, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water. The result is reduced brain and body function. Drinking eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day helps us stay hydrated. We can also eat melons, cucumbers, soups, and other foods that are high in water content.

8. Follow an eating schedule.

Eating large meals and overeating can lower our metabolism, reduce workout effectiveness, and destabilize our blood sugar and insulin levels. An eating schedule supports our well-being and includes four to six nutritious meals and snacks daily.

We are all affected by virus lock-down challenges, but let’s continue to invest in our health and fitness. Eight diet and nutrition tips, including #Tigernuts, boost our physical, mental and emotional well-being and improve our quality of life. Stay healthy, active and safe, friends!

     Founder and CEO Tiger Nuts USA

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