I don't know about you, but I always thought that Pecan Nuts were like the Gold Standard when it comes to being good for you, but here's a shocker, Tiger Nuts have got Pecans beat!
Our Chef Kimberly tells you all about it in this short video, take a look!
Wow that's a shocker, and when you are ready to get some of our amazing Tiger Nuts into your healthy lifestyle, check us out at www.tigernutsusa.com
By the way if you have not heard of Tiger Nuts before, they are NOT NUTS, they are tubers, and also Gluten Free, Organic, 100% NUT FREE, 100% Allergen Free, 100% Dairy Free, High in Fiber, Low in Calories & Fats, High in Nutrition, Non GMO, Paleo Perfect, Kosher and they taste great, like coconut! We believe that our Tiger Nuts are probably the "Healthiest single source' snack food on the market".