Video's and More about Tiger Nuts!

How Tiger Nuts are grown, harvested, cured and processed

Watch this video to learn how our Raw Premium Organic Tiger Nuts are farmed, harvested, cured and processed the same way that they have for centuries at our Spanish growers farms. Of course if you have any additional questions, please use the contact us page and ask away, we love hearing from our customers!


From the Chief Nut's mouth!

This is the back story of how Tiger Nuts came to America, Jack and Jim's story about having them as kids in the UK, not knowing how great they were for you, all they knew was they tasted great!


Tiger Nuts are Rich in Resistant Starch

This study explores the physicochemical properties of starch isolated from the tubers of Tiger Nuts:


Why are Tiger Nuts good for the Gluten Free eater?

What are Tiger Nuts, and why are they good for the gluten-free eater?

We have a little shocker for you. ‘Gluten-free’ doesn’t always mean healthy! Not all gluten-free foods are the same for a number of reasons. Rice can be heavily contaminated with arsenic. Some contain high amounts of sugar, salt, and oil, and are laced with chemicals that you can’t pronounce. Most are not organic. Some are even genetically modified! Many are heavily processed, with very little nutrients left in them. Such nutrient-poor, calorically dense foods will only lead to nutritional deficiency and weight gain. Another problem with most processed gluten-free snacks is that they are not free of all the other major food allergens such as dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, yeast, corn, sesame seeds, fish, shell fish, and nightshades such as potatoes and tomatoes. Many of those suffering from gluten intolerance can also be suffering from other delayed-onset food allergies, as leaky gut is usually the underlying problem in food sensitivities. Some even find out that have a reaction to as many as 25 foods after going for food allergy testing.

Tiger Nuts, the seriously healthy gluten-free snack that is organic, GMO-free, and allergen-free (see us listed at That’s right, because Tiger Nuts are not really nuts but tubers! They’re these really small tubers the size of nuts, which is probably why they are called Tiger Nuts</a>. Here are a couple more things about them: (1) they have the crunch of cashews; (2) they taste like coconut. Okay let’s repeat all that. Tiger Nuts are tubers that have the crunch and size of nuts but the taste of a milky tropical fruit! How fun can a snack get?

It gets more interesting. Tiger Nuts are a nutritional powerhouse, containing loads of fiber, healthy carbohydrates, and essential nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. They are low GI, making them a great snack for dieters and diabetics. Tiger Nuts are also vegan and Paleo Perfect.

Tiger Nuts</a> are just so wholesome that any type of gluten-free eater can enjoy them without worries.</p> <p>Eat a rainbow of whole foods for the best gluten-free diet. And make sure to add truly healthy snacks such as Tiger Nuts to your gluten-free stash regularly!


Study on the aphrodisiac qualities of Tiger Nuts

Tiger nuts improved sexual performance, indicated by increased intromission frequency and ratio, in treated moderately active rats compared to controls:



The Health Benefits of Phosphorus 

The health benefits of Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the body. Most of it can be found in the teeth and bones. Teeth and bone matter are made of both calcium and phosphorus, not just calcium as some or many of us thought. Phosphorus is essential for energy metabolism, proper acid-base balance, and optimal kidney function. It is also needed for cellular growth, repair, and maintenance.

The recommended phosphorus intake for men and women over 19 years of age is 700 mg a day. Do not go over 3,000 mg/day, especially if you are 71 and older. Pregnant and lactating women under the age of 19 should be aiming for 1,250 mg of phosphorus per day. Children from 4 years all the way to 18 years of age should also be shooting for a daily intake of 1,250 mg. Children aged 1-3 need only 460 mg of phosphorus a day.</p> <p>Signs of phosphorus deficiency in adults are anemia, susceptibility to infections, speech problems, weak bones and teeth, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, bone pain, anxiety, numbness and tingling of the extremities, irregular breathing, difficulty walking, and fatigue. Phosphorus deficiency symptoms in children include stunted growth, rickets, poor bone development, and tooth decay.

Vegan sources of phosphorus include soy, lentils, beans, rice, peanuts, potatoes, whole grains, and peas. Paleo sources of phosphorus are eggs, fish, shell fish, and meat. Vegan AND Paleo sources of phosphorus include pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax, broccoli, sunflower seeds, garlic, sesame seeds, dried fruit, tree nuts, watermelon seeds, and our very own Tiger Nuts. Dairy, white bread, and soda also contain phosphorus. Try to avoid or minimize your consumption of soda as it contains too much phosphorus and sugar. Both greatly interfere with calcium absorption. You need both calcium and phosphorus to build healthy bones, and if one is lacking then you may be at risk for bone diseases such as osteoporosis (characterized by weak, brittle bones) or osteopenia (loss of bone density).

Tiger Nuts happen to have both calcium and phosphorus in balanced amounts, so you need not worry about having too much phosphorus and not enough calcium (and vice versa) in your food. Tiger Nuts are perfect for people on special diets for a number of reasons. They’re hypoallergenic, making them one of the ideal sources of phosphorus for celiacs who, due to their malabsorption problems, are prone to phosphorus deficiency. They’re also low GI, which is why diabetics (who tend to have low levels of phosphorus) and dieters can enjoy them. Tiger Nuts</a> are plant-based, and have been around since the Paleolithic era, which makes them both vegan- and Paleo-friendly.Get your healthy dose of phosphorus from whole food sources such as Tiger Nuts today!